Remote Lipspeaking – Top Tips

  • The lipspeaker makes sure that he/she is clearly visible to the lipreader
  • The lipspeaker should have behind him/her, a solid dark colour background to prevent ‘visual noise’ as sustained lipreading is tiring.
  • Good natural lighting should be on the upper body and face of the lipspeaker without the presence of shadows.
  • Fingerspelling handshapes should be kept clear of the face to ensure lipreading is possible.
  • Please inform the Chair, if it is not you, that a lipspeaker will be joining the meeting, that you will receive the message 4 or 5 words behind the speaker therefore please allow time for you to interject/question and to check in with you regularly to see if anything needs to be adapted to improve communication.
  • If a meeting is a ‘dial in’ it may be a clearer audio for the lipspeaker to use her phone with headphones and to then use Facetime/Zoom/Skype/Teams with the deaf person.
  • Please provide a link and any access codes to the lipspeaker ahead of the meeting and consider doing a trial link up before the meeting starts. (preferably 24 hours before so that any IT issues can be resolved).
  • Please provide the following at least 24 hours before the online meeting:
    • Meeting notes/slides
    • Agenda
    • Attendees
    • Name of the Chair
  • Consideration of the following should be sent to the lipspeaker before the meeting:
    • Whether you prefer lipspeaking with fingerspelling
    • Whether you prefer lipspeaking with sign
    • Whether you are happy for us to relay your voice if others have difficulty understanding you
  • Breaks must be factored in to meeting times if the meeting is likely to last for more than one hour. For meetings over two hours or complex meetings with multiple attendees, a co-worker may be required. The lipspeaker can advise on a case-by-case basis.

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