City Lit Deaf Day 2024

Lipspeaker UK will be at City Lit Deaf Day 2024. Come along and find us in the John Lyons Theatre Read more about the event here:

MS Teams Glitch

A woman holding two thumbs up. A fireworks animation appear s behind the woman.

It was a rather unusual Friday 13th for Lesley at Lipspeaker UK HQ this month. Working on Microsoft Teams (MS Teams), everything seemed like a normal remote assignment. Lesley had her lights in place, her headphones in and her background was clear. Having worked for various Government departments for over 20 years, Lesley is familiar […]

Norfolk Deaf Festival 2023

Taking place on Friday 7th and Saturday 8th July, The Forum hosted the 2023 Norfolk Deaf Festival. Lipspeaker UK were very proud to both host a stall and to showcase lipspeaking at the festival for the first time! Did you see us?

Deaf Sports Personality of the Year

On Saturday 1st July, Lipspeaker UK were invited to attend the ‘Deaf Sports Personality of the Year’ award ceremony. This prestigious event took place at Twickenham Rugby Stadium and was attended by over 100 people.

Communication in Maternity Services

On Wednesday 24th May, Lesley Weatherson was a guest speaker online to a collective of student midwives. The intersectional webinar aimed to explore the topic of language and communication in maternity services. The themes of obstetric language, gender, British Sign Language (BSL) and translation barriers were examined, to understand how services can best be shaped to reflect […]

Making History

Last July, Karen Hobbs served as the UK’s first ever Deaf juror (who is a BSL user) in the Crown Court. This was due to the new legislation in June 2022 to allow Registered BSL/English Interpreters into the deliberation room. History was made again last week when NRCPD registrants Kirsty Last and Lisa Guildford became […]

City Lit Deaf Day 2023

On Saturday 15th April, Deaf Day at City Lit returned between 10:00-16:00. This free annual event saw visitors from all over the UK travel to London, to celebrate 25 years of Deaf Day. Take a look at our gallery below:

Lipspeaker Library Launches

Lipspeaker Library Launch

On Wednesday 8th March 2023, Lipspeaker UK launched the UK’s first ‘Lipspeaker Library’. Supported by ‘BSL Courses‘ and ‘Involve Interpreter‘, a number of lipspeakers took part in filming across England and Wales. This new ‘try before you buy’ service will allow deaf people who rely on lipreading, the opportunity to find the most appropriate lipspeaker […]