Lite Bites


What are Lite Bites?

All communication professionals are expected to attend Continuous Professional Development (CPD) opportunities that will develop their competence and performance.

In 2021, following feedback from Language Service Professionals (LSPs), we developed the idea of ‘Lite Bite’ series. Our ‘Lite Bite’ series are open to all communication professionals and offer a range of webinar sessions on a specific topic. All webinars are one-hour long and take place once a month.

These webinars are purchased as a collective and are not sold individually. 

LGBT+ Lite Bites (2022)

Language Service Professionals (LSP’s) joined Max Marchewicz for our ‘LGBT+ Lite Bite’ series.

Legal Lite Bites (2021)

Language Service Professionals (LSP’s) joined Hampshire Constabulary’s Gabe Snuggs for our ‘Legal Lite Bite’ series.

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