They’ve nearly qualified!


Twelve lipspeaking students started their training in September 2016 and took their final exams in October 2017. We are all waiting with excitement for the results.

It’s quite a journey from having little knowledge of the skills needed to lipspeak to develop oneself to lipspeak confidently and clearly to lipreaders. Of course it’s more than just lipspeaking. One represents the profession and in fact in part, the deaf lipreader; you are often viewed as one. Your behaviour and dress impacts the lipreader and we really must be mindful of this when working.

Lesley sat presenting to a group of students in a horse shoe style format

Lesley, founder Chair of the Association of Lipspeakers with Additional Sign (ALAS) has news of her own. She has just passed her British Sign Language (BSL) Interpreters course and will register in the new year as qualified BSL Interpreter.

She tells us “It hasn’t been an easy journey; quite a roller coaster in fact of real highs and lows”. Having been a qualified nurse and midwife Lesley became interested in improving communication for deaf women through their pregnancies and labour and thus started the journey to achieve this by qualifying as a lipspeaker and now as an interpreter. Well done Lesley!

The next lipspeaker training course April 2018 in Birmingham. Using qualified teachers and assessors, the waiting list is now open to subscribe to should you be interested.

Get in touch!

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