Lipspeaker Selection Day
Are you interested in becoming a Lipspeaker? There will be a selection day taking place on 24th January 2020 Farnborough, Hampshire. If you are interested in coming along please contact us.
LEONARDO: Guided Tour with Lipspeaker Support
The Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace Tuesday, 1 Oct 2019 18:30 – 20:30 £6.70 Join exhibition curator Martin Clayton for a guided tour through Leonardo da Vinci: A Life in Drawing. Booking essential. Eligible for 1-Year Pass. If you have a 1-Year Pass, please contact our Bookings team on 0303 123 7340 to book your ticket […]
Lipreading Awareness Week – Lipspeakers and me
I have used lipspeakers for twenty years to provide communication support in the workplace, to readily access information which is all too often taken for granted by hearing colleagues. Without lipspeakers, I would never know my role in the workplace or the tasks I am supposed to undertake. Moreover, lipspeakers have helped me realise how […]
Lipreading Awareness Week – Extraordinary Blog
As a child, I was always an avid reader, perhaps because my general lack of coordination meant I was so terrible at sport. I read anything and everything; consuming every book in my parents house and the local library several times over before I went to secondary school. One book that made a lasting impression […]
They’ve nearly qualified!
Twelve lipspeaking students started their training in September 2016 and took their final exams in October 2017. We are all waiting with excitement for the results. It’s quite a journey from having little knowledge of the skills needed to lipspeak to develop oneself to lipspeak confidently and clearly to lipreaders. Of course it’s more than […]